Sunday, January 11, 2009


I remember it like it was yesterday, the feel of her hands, the sound of her voice, the way she would look at me and smile. We met through mutual friends, and I will never forget the first time I saw her. It was at a choir concert, at which I had gone to see my girlfriend, who is now currently one of my closest friends. Over the course of the night we were introduced, and I was instantly entranced. Over the next few months I had forgotten about her, broken up with my girlfriend, got together with another girl, and broke up with her. I never even gave her a second thought until a friend of mine starts bragging that 'he's got a new girl'. Over the summer he keeps on saying that he's met a really special girl, and that she's one of the nicest, coolest people in the world, and for some reason I felt that I had to meet her. I finally convinced him to give me her number one day, telling him that 'I just wanted to see how special she was'. From that day on I couldn't stop talking to her, constantly texting and talking on the phone. I had found her again. I was amazed. I never thought that I would see her again, and by some chance my friend had. I fell in love with her voice, and from the moment I first talked to her on the phone I knew that I wanted to be with her. We never saw each other for a few months, only talked on the phone. One day I received a text saying 'what are you doing today?' and that she was going to a Japanese fair in Mountain View. I responded saying that I was already there, and I was, I was there with some family and friends. I couldn't believe my luck, I was finally going to see her again! I anxiously waited twenty minutes for her to arrive, and when she did I couldn't hide my excitement. We were inseparable. For the rest of the day we went from booth to booth playing little games, and won prizes that dwarfed in comparison to the prize that stood before me. I thought to myself that nothing could be more perfect than this. The day finally ended, but before so, she told me that she 'had fun, and would like to see me again'. Had my ears heard right? Did she actually believe that I was important enough to see again? A week later she finally told me how she truly felt. She told me that she liked me, but that it wouldn't work out between us because we went to two different schools, and that we would barely see each other. Over the course of a few weeks I convinced her that our feelings for each other wouldn't fade away just because of not being able to see each other, and that we could make a relationship work. Then the night before her birthday we were on the phone, and she told me to make a wish because it was 11:11, and I did. I tried to get her to tell me her wish for a while, and by the time she did it was already 12:34. Her wish was for me to ask her out. The girl of my dreams wanted to be my girlfriend! I couldn't slow my heart down, and it felt as if all the blood in my body had gone straight into it, and it was about to burst. I quietly asked her out on the phone so that she couldn't tell how nervous and anxious I was, but it didn't help. She knew, but she didn't care, she said she was just as nervous because she didn't believe that I would have done that. This was a while  ago, but as the days and months go on, it still never leaves me.


Quoc said...

It was a lovely event in your life. Your story are a lot like other book I read before %^.^% also I still confuse. Did u get together with her or not?

Rowan said...

yes i did

Cindy said...

haha cute(:

panh said...

Wow I never thought in real life there is such a romantic love story like this. I never thought people can just text and talks through the phone would ever work out. LOL. It is so sweet but what happen to your friend keeps on saying that he's met a really special girl. I thought he likes her, so what happen?

Quoc said...

Well, if I guess. Rowan have a girl and the other guy is girless?

Nicholas Le said...

oh wow
thats pretty messed up what you did to the other guy but int he end he got to do something he never thought he was gonna do before